Organic Foods
A closer look into consumer desires for organic food purchasing and the current progression of the organic market.

Consumer Tendencies and Motivations
Each year, the demand for organic food is steadily increasing with the current Organic Grocery market being double that of 2016 [1] .The Australian Organic Market Report 2018 states the predominant organic food consumer household of 2018 were couples aged 55+ years earning a relatively high income. However, this report considers this stat to be highly general and in some ways unreliable as a collective picture of consumers. Past trends in organic food’s popularity by different groups of individuals have highlighted that it is both dramatic and unpredictable and therefore it is more reasonable to say that organic food consumption is not inclined to one type of person or way of life [1] . The common stereotypes of organic food consumers include financially established environmental or health-conscious individuals [2]. Since this is a broad range of individuals, it suggests that consumer attitudes to organic food is both complex, personal/intimate and a result of multiple factors [3]. However, all in all, past statistics highlight organic food consumption is currently thriving with confidence that this trend will continue in the coming years [1] .
Statistical Comparison of Consumer Reasons for Organic Purchase between 2016 and 2018 [1]

But Why Organic?
One of the most common beliefs that encourage the consumption of organic food is its supposed health benefits. People desire to choose organic food products as they believe it contains no harmful chemicals, is additive-free, more nutritious, hormone and antibiotic-free and non-GMO which makes it a better option for the health of themselves and families [1]. People believe that organic food is fresher, tastier, more vibrant and exhibits higher standards of food safety [1]. The Australian Organic Food Consumer Market Report of 2018 saw two thirds of the Australian population choosing organic food due to a sudden shift in personal health motivation, whether that being to lessen a new health crisis or, to becoming more aware of its impact on health.
The next largest motivation to organic food consumption include due to environmental impacts, with animal welfare following. People’s personal morals and beliefs surrounding the sustainability and perseverance of the environment urge them to eat organic food. Such incentives include the reduction of atmospheric pollutants that cause climate change, the restoration of soils for future cultivation, the encouragement of biodiversity and the better treatment of animals [1] . Other attitudes include supporting local Australian farmers and becoming pregnant [1] .